Check out what Affinité has been up to

Oct 20 - Biotech Connect adMare Event
Sep 14 - Biotech Connect MaRS Event
July 20 - Gold Conferenece SPR Worship in Quebec City
May 24 - Join us at booth G05 of the SLAS Europe 2022 Conference in Dublin Ireland
March 04 - We thank all the participants, as well as our speakers Prof Masson of Université de Montréal and Prof Szunerits of Université de Lille for giving the talk, on our webinar Democratizing SPR: Bringing the gold standard into your everyday lab
May 3 - Participation in this year's Canadian Technology Accelerator (CTA) in Boston
April 27 - Read our new White Paper on Antibody Testing for Covid-19 immunity screening

December 01 - Meritics to represent Affinité in the UK market
November 01 - Affinité Instruments strengthens its presence in Europe
April 06 - Newsletter Special Edition

October 15 - Congratulations to Dr. Masson who has been named in the Top 40 Under 40 Power List by The Analytical Scientist.
August 08 - Les instruments scientifiques affinités (Affinité Instruments) se joignent à l'incubateur de Concordia District 3.
June 02 - Affinité attends BIO 2018 in Boston as part of the Quebec Delegation.
April 05 - Affinité participates at the Semaine de la Qualité et Innovation and Medtech Innovator Pitch Competition in Montréal.
February 01 - Affinité Announces the Appointment of Ludovic Live as New CEO
January 24 - Affinité Participates at the Expo Entrepreneurs 2018 in Montréal

December 24 - Affinité signs a distribution agreement with Nuohai Life Sciences in China
November 04 - Affinité attends the 50th Inorganic Discussion Weekend at Ryerson in Toronto
October 27 - Affinité attends McMaster's Biochemistry 50th anniversary in Hamilton
July 24 - Affinité participates at the Protein Society's 31st annual symposium in Montreal
June 01 - Affinité Instruments présente la SPR à l’école d’été PROTEO

June 2 - Affinité Instruments, a spin-off of l'Université de Montréal, is founded